Game Info

Platform: Minecraft Java Edition
Server Version: Paper 1.20.1

We'd like to thank all of our donators (past and present) for allowing this server to exist. We wouldn't be able to keep this server running if it wasn't for you, so thank you!

Plugin List

Here are ALL of the plugins we use on Medieval:

(Last updated 07/09/2023 by Zaligan)

  1. MedievalExtras
  2. MedievalNetherite
  3. MedievalWar
  4. MedievalWeapons
  5. AncientRelics
  6. BeautyQuests
  7. BetterConcrete
  8. BlockLocker
  9. BlueSlimeCore
  10. BotSentry
  11. Brewery
  12. Cannons
  13. CharacterCards
  14. ChestShop
  15. ChestSort
  16. Citizens
  17. ClearLag
  18. CombatLogX
  19. ConsoleSpamFix
  20. CooldownsX
  21. CoreProtect
  22. CraftBook
  23. CreeperHeal2
  24. CustomMobEXP
  25. CustomServerTime
  26. DeathSpawnOverride
  27. DecentHolograms
  28. Denizen
  29. DisableEnderchests
  30. DisableSpawners
  31. DiscordSRV
  32. dynmap
  33. Dynmap-Towny
  34. Economobs
  35. EconomyTracker
  36. EndCrystalNerf
  37. Essentials
  38. ExtraContexts
  39. FirstJoinItems
  40. FreedomChat
  41. Governor
  42. Graves
  43. GSit
  44. Harbor
  45. HardcoreFarming
  46. HeadsPlus
  47. HoverStats
  48. iConomy
  49. ImplodusPorts
  50. Instruments
  51. InteractiveBooks
  52. LibsDisguises
  53. LocalMe
  54. LuckPerms
  55. mcMMO
  56. ModelEngine
  57. MorePlayerModels2
  58. Movecraft
  59. Movecraft-Cannons
  60. Movecraft-Repair
  61. Multiverse-Core
  62. Multiverse-Inventories
  63. Multiverse-NetherPortals
  64. MusicBox
  65. MythicMobs
  66. NoteBlockAPI
  67. OpenInv
  68. PlaceholderAPI
  69. PlasmoVoice
  70. PlayerEmotesPro
  71. PluginConstructorAPI
  72. ProtectionLib
  73. ProtocolLib
  74. RaidsPerRegion
  75. Redye
  76. RepairTweaks
  77. Sentinel
  78. Shopkeepers
  79. SiegeWar
  80. SimpleLockpicking
  81. SimpleReserve
  82. spark
  83. SpawnCommand
  84. StackMob
  85. TAB
  86. Terra
  87. Towny
  88. TownyChat
  89. TownyCultures
  90. TownyMenus
  91. TownyProduction
  92. unemojis
  93. Vault
  94. ViaBackwards
  95. ViaVersion
  96. VillagerLobotomizatorNator
  97. VotifierPlus
  98. VotingPlugin
  99. Vulcan
  100. Wild
  101. wood_cutting
  102. WorldBorderExtreme
  103. WorldEdit
  104. WorldGuard
  105. WorldGuard-Towny
  106. WorldGuardExtraFlags
  107. xaero-map-spigot
  108. YamipaPlugin